Why Your Dog Got An Abscess And How To Successfully Treat It At Home

Abscesses are a common problem that most dogs will develop at some point in their lives. Whether you are unable to take your dog to the veterinarian because you are in the mountains camping or because you simply cannot afford an office visit, you will be pleased to learn you can often treat an abscess at home. Successful treatment of your dog's abscess requires that you understand its cause and then take the proper steps to assist it with the natural healing process. Read More 

Why The Fun Personality Of The Dachshund Leads To Back Problems

Dachshunds remain one of the most popular dog breed in the world due to their quirky personalities and friendly nature. However, veterinarians warn owners that certain behaviors by this dog can cause serious back problems that can prematurely shorten their lives. Dachshunds Often Have Bad Backs The long back of the dachshund means they are often prone to serious back problems. That distinctive and cute back is too long and will usually cause serious back problems. Read More 

Tips For Managing Your Pet’s Health Needs

Pet care is a topic that anyone that owns an animal should have a basic working knowledge about. If you are to be effective at protecting your pet against some problems, you will need to have some useful information so that you minimize threats to your pet: Routine Checkups Are Essential For Your Pet's Long-Term Health It is common for individuals to only consider taking their pet to the veterinarian when an obvious health problem is developing. Read More 

Details To Confirm When You Take Your Dog To Be Vaccinated

Every responsible dog owner should take his or her pet to a local veterinary clinic soon after buying the animal. This initial checkup will allow the veterinarian to assess the animal's health, as well as talk to you about dog vaccinations. Depending on certain circumstances, some vaccines may be administered right away, while others could be scheduled for the months ahead. Dogs will often get a wide range of vaccines that will keep them healthy and allow them to live long lives. Read More